Jobs We Learn About!
A Zoom Call with Ms Nilda Nelson the Public Safety Administrator
On Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 PTW students had the nice opportunity to have a Q & A session with LIU Post's Public Safety Administrator Ms Nilda Nelson! We had such a nice time chatting with Nilda listening to her job experience at LIU Post, hearing about campus safety tips, and learning other challenging experiences that Nilda and her Public Safety crew has had to face here at LIU Post. The students asked excellent questions to spark interesting conversations that were related to topics that we have been studying in class such as "Public Safety" and "Security Guards". Nilda stated being a good listener to accurately document reports is important at her job and being aware of your surroundings was an important tip she noted with regards to being safe on campus! Thomas
Athletics Department
Today on campus Quinn and I went to the Athletics Department we worked with Nate and organized the boys' lacrosse jerseys. We organized the jerseys by size and number order. We put the shorts on top of the hangers. We also handed Nate some jerseys to hang up in the uniform closet. -Tori and Quinn
Wildlife Rehabilitator Vera Sayers of Sweetbriar Nature Preserve in Smithtown!
The first year PTW students had another awesome zoom call from a professional in the field of animal care. On Wednesday March 20th we had a nice interaction with Vera a wildlife rehabilitator who work at the Sweetbriar Nature Preserve in Smithtown. Here is what out students had to say!
"she takes care of lots of animals
she said its hard when there is not anything more she can do to save the animals sometime she has to make hard decisions" - Kiara
"It was fun being able to learn about Wildlife Rehabilitators, Sweetbriar Nature Center, and how to help wild animals. All the animals at the Nature Center looked very cute. I can't wait to learn more about nature and wild animals."
Daniel Purcell
"What I learned from the zoom meeting is that taking care of animals is the most important part of our lives. When an animal is injured we help the animals to recover and take care of them. If you have any thoughts on my perspective from the zoom please let me know. Thank you."
I learned that it can be hard to take care of animals and sometimes you need to be careful because animals can harm you.
- Cassidy
"I've learned about
- the safety precautions you should take while providing care for a small animal that's injured such as looking for bleeding or scratch marks
- how Veronica started working at Sweetbriar as a volunteer
- making sure the animal gets care as soon as possible before it passes away". By Caleb
"Two things I learned today was that squirrels are very smart . Cats and squirrels can get along together. " -Maya
"I learned that taking care of animals is inspiring and I also learned how challenging it is and I would like to volunteer my time with the animals. Please let me know." - Dasha
1. I learned that she likes Horses and has dogs and cats
2. I also learned about how she manages working with the animals and how she takes care of the pets.
" I learned that how many animals they take care of
i also learned about the pets she has " -Dana
,I learned some new information from our zoom.
I learned some new things from the Sweetbriar Nature Preserve Group Research Project.
It taught me a lot of things from the google slide project. -Margaret
"Two things I learned from Vera today on zoom is she worked at
Sweetbriar for a total of seven and a half years and the second thing
I learned was that she saved a squirrel and kept it has a pet" - Alex
A Visit from Two LIU Students Who are Studying Animal Care.
We had two specials guests today 10/20/23 visit PTW whcih we were super excited about. Ms Nicole and Ms Amanda stopped by to say hello and share their experience as students at LIU studying Animal Care and caring for a variety of animals. They both talked in depth about the horses that they love and tend to at the stables located on the campus of CW Post! Below are some responses from our 1st year PTW students who really enjoyed what Nicole and Amanda had to share. The two students did an absolutely amazing job with google slides to go with the info that they were sharing with our class. We were so fortunate to have these guests! Thank you Nicole and Amanda! Check out the photos!
Two things that we have learned about taking care of animals presented by Nicole:
- Nicole has spent most of her time being an equine scientist which involves making sure that the horses are groomed and treated properly without violence.
- Nicole has worked with many animals in her spare time from seals to insects to even goats.
by Caleb
I like how I learned how Nicole and Amanda work with the horses.
I also learned how Nicole likes science.
I also learned how Amanda will be a teacher one day.
From Margaret Lindquist
Nicole's favorite animal, which is whales. two things I learned today is that she studied Marine Biology in High School and I learned how she cleans the horses and takes care of them to make sure they are groomed well. by Jared
What I learned is that taking care of animals is the most responsible thing that we do to help poor animals. What I like about Nichole is she talks about animal experiences, all different types of animals and going around the country to studies different types of animals. From Carlos
Her favorite animal is a whale. I find whales very cool because they can talk through their blowholes. They are almost like singing a whale song all about finding other whales. by Cassidy